Workplace Healing Fills the Gap on Trending Employee Assistance Program Initiatives
From personalized whole-person health initiatives to peer network support, employee assistance programs are adapting to the needs of today’s evolving workforce—needs Workplace Healing is partnering with EAPs to address!
Innovative Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are expanding into more robust solutions than ever as they work to support an increasingly diverse workforce and enhance employee engagement and productivity. Here are three EAP trends to keep an eye on moving into 2024.
1) Personalized whole person health.
EAPs are seeking solutions that address overall well-being to empower employees with health and self-care strategies that prevent disease, strengthen resilience, restore health, manage stress and improve focus and energy.
Whole-person health considers all factors of an individual’s lifestyle, biological makeup, behavior, and environment with the understanding that emotional, physical and mental health are closely tied.
Rather than only focusing on counseling to address a mental health condition, for example, a whole-person health approach might also include recommendations for integrating healthy lifestyle choices like physical fitness, nutrition and stress management techniques.
While many people think of grief as an emotional disruption, grief also affects mental and physical well-being, contributing to issues like decreased energy, brain fog, insomnia, unexplained aches and pains, and illness.
Because grief isn’t always understood as a whole-person health issue, a leader may overlook or misconstrue grief symptoms. Not only can a leader’s lack of empathy aggravate an employee’s grief recovery, but it can negatively affect morale, hurt productivity and drive valuable employees away.
Filling the gap. Workplace Healing’s Human Recovery Platform™ and Empathy Skills Development is uniquely positioned to pick up where EAPs leave off by providing meaningful and practical leadership strategies that further support an employee’s healing while working day-to-day.
2) Peer support network.
According to the 2021 American Perspectives Survey, Americans have fewer close friendships than ever before. Because we spend longer hours at work, the close friendships we form are more likely to happen through work. Acknowledging the need for a more cohesive and inclusive workplace, EAPs are seeking interactive virtual platforms where employees can connect, support and encourage one another.
Grief can be a particularly isolating life disruption. Even if others can relate to the death of a loved one, divorce or a difficult caregiving situation, grief remains a deeply personal experience that everyone navigates differently.
That doesn’t mean leaders and colleagues should ignore an employee’s life disruption. A griever who lacks a support network at work is more likely to disengage from the team, struggle to find purpose in their work and leave their job.
We strengthen peer-to-peer networks. The Human Recovery Platform helps EAPs facilitate a more supportive, cohesive work environment by providing a digital platform that promotes peer-to-peer support like special cause fundraisers, meal trains and active listening.
By providing coworkers and care teams with helpful insights and meaningful tactics and strategies, they’re positioned to effectively encircle a grieving teammate with a sense of caring community.
Through healthy peer support and engagement, grieving employees are reminded that they matter and are an important part of their team, reducing the rates of disengagement, on-the-job errors and turnover that trouble less connected organizations.
3) Digital online learning and support.
With more employees working in virtual and hybrid environments than ever before, EAPs are bolstering current offerings with interactive 24/7 digital solutions like online counseling, apps that support mental and physical well-being, and online skills development materials.
In a virtual work environment, out of sight should never mean out of mind. When a remote employee experiences a difficult life disruption, it’s critical that their manager is aware of the situation and responds in an empathetic way that makes sense for the team.
And yet, grief triggers confusing questions for leaders like:
- What do I say without intruding on my employee’s privacy?
- What if I try to talk to them and they cry?
- It’s been weeks. When are they going to start acting like their normal selves?
- I told her to take as much time as she needs, but with a project deadline looming, we need her back. Do I reach out?
- How do I talk about work without appearing insensitive?
Delivering accessible education. Know exactly what to say and do. With Workplace Healing’s Empathy Skills Development, along with 24/7 access to the Human Recovery Platform, leaders get the answers they’re seeking which eliminates apprehension and uncertainty. They’re empowered to manage inevitable employee life disruptions with confidence, wisdom and empathy.
The ideal partner for EAPs.
Our innovative Human Recovery Platform supports EAPs that seek to expand workplace wellness and employee engagement. Our EAP partnerships are designed to effectively complement each other’s services and encourage EAP utilization.
Coupled with an EAP’s mental health initiatives and on-site crisis care, Workplace Healing’s Human Recovery Platform and Empathy Skills Development solutions help leaders support a team member’s healing and reintegrate back to work.
By investing in their human capital when it matters most, leaders effectively strengthen retention, productivity, engagement and workplace culture.
And that’s a trend worth getting behind.
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